Braking resistor 8,00 Ohm, 75,00 kW

Braking resistor 8,00 Ohm, 75,00 kW. 6SE70280ES872DC0
Включая НДС
Артикул: 6SE7028-0ES87-2DC0
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES ТОРМОЗНОЙ РЕЗИСТОР 510-620В ПОСТ. ТОКА, 50 КВТ, 8 ОМ Braking resistor SINAMICS/SIMOVERT braking resistor for SINAMICS and SIMOVERT. Excess energy in the DC link is dissipated via the braking resistors. For generative operation, e.g. braking a mass with a large moment of inertia, a braking resistor must be connected that converts the energy to heat. The heat dissipated from the braking resistor must not adversely affect the cooling of the converter. For this reason, a minimum distance of 150 mm must be maintained between the converter and the braking resistor. The SINAMICS/SIMOVERT Masterdrives braking resistors are available for DC link voltages ranging from 510 V to 780 V and for line voltages ranging from 5 kW to 170 kW, and the SINAMICS/SIMOVERT braking resistors are available for DC link voltages ranging from 510 V to 620 V and for line voltages ranging from 5 kW to 10 kW. SINAMICS – simply my drive!


Type of accessory Breaking resistance