SIRIUS, Safety ES V1.0 Standard, floating license for 1 user, 1x DVD + 1x USB
Включая НДС
Артикул: 3ZS1316-5CC10-0YA5
Программное обеспечение SIRIUS Safety ES V1.0 Standard , лицензионный ключ на USB, программное обеспечение на CD, "плавающая" лицензия для одного пользователя, программное обеспечение Class A, 3 языка (DE,EN,FR) , под управлением ОС: Windows 10 64 bit Pro/Enterprise Windows 7 32/64 bit SP 1 Prof. /Ultimate/Enterprise , для устройств: SIRIUS MSS 3RK3 SIRIUS 3SK2 , подключение к ПК через системный интерфейс (последовательный интерфейс)
Suitable for safety functions | Нет |
Suitable for operating system Windows 9x | Нет |
Suitable for operating system Windows NT | Нет |
Suitable for operating system Windows 2000 | Нет |
Suitable for operating system Windows XP | Нет |
Suitable for operating system Windows ME | Да |
Suitable for operating system Windows CE | Да |
Suitable for operating system Linux | Нет |
Suitable for other operating system | Нет |
Object library | Not available |
Integrated diagnosis function | Да |
Integrated configuration function | - |
Integrated application configuration function | Да |
Integrated communication function | Да |
Technology function integrated | Да |
Put into operation function integrated | Да |
Simulation function integrated | Нет |
Integrated motion function | Нет |
Integrated analysis function | Нет |
Integrated position function | Нет |
With data detection function | Нет |
Maintenance function integrated | - |
Multi-lingual | Нет |
Suitable for target system PLC | Нет |
Suitable for target system PC | Нет |
Suitable for target system HMI | Нет |
Suitable for other target system | Нет |
Category according to EN 954-1 | - |
Suitable for operating system Windows 2003 Server | Да |
Suitable for operating system Windows Vista | Нет |
Performance level acc. EN ISO 13849-1 | - |
Suitable for operating system Windows 7 | - |
SIL according to IEC 61508 | - |
Suitable for operating system Windows 8 | Нет |